Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Final Class and assignment

Hi all,

For the final project in the class, you have an opportunity to apply all the tools in an educational setting. You will need to create a lesson plan (AUSL has covered the their lesson design??) Anyway, describe your lesson plan and use at least 2 different technologies to support the lesson: one for teacher use and one for student use. Example, the teacher can use a Prezi to introduce new content to the class is one use. Second, students will use iMovie to create a PSA on Bullying (content of the lesson) as their summative assessment. You can have more, that is fine, but you have to have at least 2. You don’t have to use iMovie or a Prezi, those are just examples.

You need to write out the lesson plan idea (description) with enough detail for me to understand the lesson, including a listing of any state content and, or ISTE National Ed Tech Standards (www.iste.org) that might be applicable. Then describe the 2 technology tools you’ll be using and discuss why they support students learning (use the TPACK framework to talk about how it supports learning). They, create samples / examples of the 2 technology tools you’ve described. In the above example with Prezi and iMovie, I’d create the entire Prezi to introduce the content and a develop sample iMovie to show the students what the finished project will look like.

There are two ways to submit:
1. You can post the lesson description and technology examples on your blog. You must send me the URL for your blog when done.
2. Email me the lesson description (attachment) and the links to the technology tools examples.

If you are looking for some new tools you might want to try out, check out this list of the top web 2.0 tools for education: http://edudemic.com/2010/07/the-35-best-web-2-0-classroom-tools-chosen-by-you/


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