Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Keep up with your Postings!

Hi All,

There's been some confusion about the blog postings. The assignment is to start to develop your own personal learning network with a Twitter feed following leaders in education. You are to read the tweets of 10 people, choosing 1 tweet that moved/inspired/angered you in some way to write a blog post discussing why it moved/inspired/angered you.

You need to have at least 1 posting per week (Monday thru Sunday). Which day of the week is up to you, but you do need at least 1 per week. Our last class meet on June 23rd, which give us 6 weeks till our next meeting and 6 postings on your blog. So...this week you should already have 3 postings getting ready to write your 4th before Sunday. If you don't have 4 by this Sunday, you need to get caught up. You can do no more then 1 posting per day to get caught up. The idea behind the assignment / PLN's is to keep up daily, not wait until the night before the assignment is due and write 6 postings in a row. :)

So, get caught up, pass along the word to your colleagues, and email me if you have any questions.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for the update. Could you please clarify... your posting on June 25th indicates we would have 5 postings. I could be misremembering, but I thought the assignment from 6/23-6/27 was to build the network, then as of 6/27 we were to begin posting and follow the schedule. Could you please let me know if I missed something? Thx.
