Thursday, August 4, 2011

How's your final Project?

Just checking in to see how things are going. As I mentioned in class, the final project isn't due until Sunday night. Hope things are going well, but if you have questions, contact me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Final Class and assignment

Hi all,

For the final project in the class, you have an opportunity to apply all the tools in an educational setting. You will need to create a lesson plan (AUSL has covered the their lesson design??) Anyway, describe your lesson plan and use at least 2 different technologies to support the lesson: one for teacher use and one for student use. Example, the teacher can use a Prezi to introduce new content to the class is one use. Second, students will use iMovie to create a PSA on Bullying (content of the lesson) as their summative assessment. You can have more, that is fine, but you have to have at least 2. You don’t have to use iMovie or a Prezi, those are just examples.

You need to write out the lesson plan idea (description) with enough detail for me to understand the lesson, including a listing of any state content and, or ISTE National Ed Tech Standards ( that might be applicable. Then describe the 2 technology tools you’ll be using and discuss why they support students learning (use the TPACK framework to talk about how it supports learning). They, create samples / examples of the 2 technology tools you’ve described. In the above example with Prezi and iMovie, I’d create the entire Prezi to introduce the content and a develop sample iMovie to show the students what the finished project will look like.

There are two ways to submit:
1. You can post the lesson description and technology examples on your blog. You must send me the URL for your blog when done.
2. Email me the lesson description (attachment) and the links to the technology tools examples.

If you are looking for some new tools you might want to try out, check out this list of the top web 2.0 tools for education:


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Keep up with your Postings!

Hi All,

There's been some confusion about the blog postings. The assignment is to start to develop your own personal learning network with a Twitter feed following leaders in education. You are to read the tweets of 10 people, choosing 1 tweet that moved/inspired/angered you in some way to write a blog post discussing why it moved/inspired/angered you.

You need to have at least 1 posting per week (Monday thru Sunday). Which day of the week is up to you, but you do need at least 1 per week. Our last class meet on June 23rd, which give us 6 weeks till our next meeting and 6 postings on your blog. So...this week you should already have 3 postings getting ready to write your 4th before Sunday. If you don't have 4 by this Sunday, you need to get caught up. You can do no more then 1 posting per day to get caught up. The idea behind the assignment / PLN's is to keep up daily, not wait until the night before the assignment is due and write 6 postings in a row. :)

So, get caught up, pass along the word to your colleagues, and email me if you have any questions.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Checking in

Hi Everyone,

Just checking in to see how your PLN's are going? Interesting reads on Twitter? Finding people to follow that are supporting your class content here?

A reminder that you need to post your weekly reflection by Sunday night.

If you have questions, comments, or need help, just email me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Start you Reflections Early: Holiday Weekend Coming...

Reminder all, it’s been a few days and I don’t want you to forget about starting your Personal Learning Networks. I’m looking ahead at the upcoming holiday weekend, so you might want to jump on this weeks posting before Friday. That way, you can enjoy and not scramble on Sunday night. :)

To point you in the right direction with an idea. If you want to learn more about classroom uses of technology in education, visit Technological Horizons in Education or THE Journal: A popular writer is David Nagel, who posts on Twitter with interesting ed tech information while leaving out the mundane post such as ‘heading to airport, tons of traffic’. You might look him up on Twitter: @THEJournalDave

Looking forward to reading your reflections.

Monday, June 27, 2011

PLN Development: Week 1

Reminder, this is week 1 for developing your Personal Learning Network. This week you'll need to identify your 10 people/group to follow and write one reflective posting. Directions are listed below.

Have fun,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Starting your Personal Learning Network (PLN)

As I mentioned in class, our next meeting will be Aug. 1st. Your homework during this extended absence is to start developing your own Personal Learning Network (PLN).

  1. Create your Twitter account (if you’ve not do so already).

  2. Get familiar with Twitter, posting / adding people to 'follow'.

  3. Identify and ‘follow’ at least 10 education related people / groups.

  4. Read, follow the developments / postings / ideas of the 10 people /groups and write at least 1 reflection per week. (Mon. - Sun.) Your reflection should be about 2 -3 paragraphs and discuss the content of the post, what it means to education / technology, and what / why you decided to write about it (why it has an impact on you.)

To find people on Twitter to follow, you can search for educators or technology, read about the person, and I'm sure they have a Twitter "follow me" link. You can also search within Twitter for people. Once you identify someone to follow, you can look at the list of people they follow...might lead to some interesting people.

You will have 5 postings, for these weeks:

  • 1: June 27th - July 3rd.

  • 2: July 4th - July 10th.

  • 3: July 11th - July 17th.

  • 4: July 18th - July 24th

  • 5: July 25th - July 31st.

Have you 10 people and first posting completed by next Sunday, July 3rd. Your first post should include a list of the 10 people / groups you are following.

Hopefully, his assignment should be informative and interesting for you, building a network of people you can build ideas and learn more about education and educational technology.

Email, text, or Skype me if you have any questions.
Enjoy, see you August 1st!